Leon Washere is a skateboarder who creates animations
I steal clips and color on top of them amongst other things. There’s correlations to the process and the time it takes to do these animations, about 6-8 hours for every 3 seconds of footage. Almost like trying a trick again and again till you get it right. Every frame is essentially it own piece of art.
Art wise I’m a fan of Brian Lotti’s landscape work and there’s a bunch of people within the roots in skateboarding. James Jarvis, Geoff McFetridge and Spike Jonze
The No Comply Network seems cool to me, a lot of skateboarders have a voice outside of the actual act of skating. Outlets that showcase those talents are much needed for the entire culture to survive.
In future I’m thinking about getting into music videos, longer format pieces. The possibilities are pretty endless with animation and the technologies available. And yeah, Heavy Discussion v.4, a panel of influential artists and skaters is supposed to be in London for their fourth installment.