Pete is a skater and artist
I don’t skate anywhere near as much as I’d like to these days and I reckon that definitely has a negative impact on my work.
Skating is like hanging out with your mates while getting loads of meditative exercise, and if you don’t get all that shit done then it has a knock on effect and your body and brain turn to shit.
There are so many amazing skate related brand and art projects that feed into my work though so it still has a really strong impact on what I do.
One of the things that I’m still most proud of doing was my first board graphic for my mate Matt, who’s behind Blast Skates​ I was so stoked when that came out after a nearly a year in the pipeline.
When I was a kid I was obviously super into Toy Machine​ stuff and what Ed Templeton​ was doing although I can remember buying loads of Jamie Thomas​ Zero Skateboards​ graphics and tees cuz I’d started growing my hair and listening to Nu-metal.
I definitely drew the skull graphic and the Blueprint (R.I.P) heart on all my exercise books. never fucked with a Heartagram though. Then late teens/ early twenties all the stuff Jacob Ovgren was doing for Polar struck more of a chord. That guy is really funny but I’ve not seen much from him lately.
I reckon Jeremy Klein​ is probably one of my favourite artists at the moment though. I’ve always been into Hook-Ups Skateboards’​ manga graphics but I think its chilled out a bit in recent years to a point where I can get on with it a bit more. He seems like a chill guy too and it’s great hearing him talking about his career as an artist and skating.
I think The No Comply Network​ is a great thing. There’s a really obvious link between skating and other creative practices and I think one can definitely feed into the other. The community that surrounds both art and skating in South East is really strong anyway and anything that helps either progress can only be a very good thing.
Yeah, I’m currently working with my friend Rifke Sadleir​ on making a really futuristic and hi-tech website which is out now.