Benjamin is a skater and artist who lives in London


I think that skateboarding was the genesis of my creativity. When I was eleven or so I discovered skateboarding and was instantly hooked on it. But before that, I wasn’t especially creative. Through skateboarding, I realised that I thrived on the freedom that it gave me, and the creativity I could explore whilst doing it. Skating is a huge cultural influence – it’s a state of mind.


A few people in skateboarding get me hyped right now. My homeboy Tracy Gray takes some pretty nice photographs, but she didn’t give me a shoutout on here when she was featured so definitely not her.


My fellow West-Yorkshireite Jason Brown makes some pretty sick collages and music, and Darren John does some great paintings.


All of the old Overlooked crew are doing amazing things, all across the creative spectrum.


I think The No Comply Network is a great thing.


Skaters are incredibly creative people, and it’s nice that there is this platform to promote their other extra-curricular pursuits